Tom J. Shields
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
Siegel-Hawley, G., Bridges, K., & Shields, T. (2017). A false choice: Diversity and equity versus savings and re-segregation in an urban school system. Educational Administration Quarterly, 52(1), 107-141.
Shields, T., & Cassada, K. (2016). Context or sponsored mobility? Access and outcomes by race, ethnicity, and gender of participants in a regional leadership development program. School Leadership & Management, 36(3), 1-20.
Shields, T., Cassada, K., & Shakeshaft, C. (2012). EduLead: Regional partnership for regional benefit. Virginia Educational Leadership, 9(1) 44-60.
Shields, T., Kidd, Q., Johnson, R., & O'Brien, S. (2006). Civic and political leadership. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 10(2), 77+.
Shields, T. (2004). The fight for political representation in a Southern suburb: The use of the Voting Rights Act and the federal court system by Black plaintiffs in Henrico County, Virginia. Politics and Policy, (32)2, 222-47.
Shields, T. (2003). The “Tip of the Iceberg” in a Southern suburban county: The fight for a Martin Luther King, Jr., holiday. Journal of Black Studies, 33(4), 499-519.
Book ChaptersShields, T. & Cassada, K. (2020). Immigration and refugee policies in the United States: School leaders and the choice of ethics or compliance. In K. Bezio & A. Goethals (Eds.), Leadership, Populism, and Resistance (pp. 176-195). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Additional PublicationsSiegel-Hawley, G., Shields, T., and Bridges, K. (2022, September). What Virginia’s Executive Order 1 and subsequent reports mean for Virginia’s K12 school leaders, students, families & other stakeholders.
Shields, T., & Murtaugh, S. (2021, November). Unpacking the Census report.
Siegel-Hawley, G., Shields, T., Bridges, K., & Koziol, B. (2019, October). Window of opportunity: Creating more integrated schools in a segregated system.
Siegel-Hawley, G., Koziol, B., Moeser, J., Holden, T., & Shields, T. (2017). Can we live and learn together? Confronting school and housing segregation in the Richmond region. Report of the University of Richmond Center for Leadership in Education, the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Education, and Housing Opportunities Made Equal (HOME) of Virginia. http://school-diversity.org/pdf/Richmond_Housing-Schools_Report_2017.pdf
FilmsShields, T. & Tulowitzki, P. (2021). Leadership and management. Created as part of German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) grant.
Shields, T. & Tulowitzki, P. (2020). What is leadership? Created as part of German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) grant.
In the News
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Sat., Feb. 1, 2020State considers reducing role of SOL tests - Chesterfield Observer