Randy Raggio
Dr. Raggio (Randy) is Professor of Marketing at the Robins School of Business. At Richmond, Randy teaches in the undergraduate, MBA, and Executive Education programs, and has won awards for his undergraduate and MBA teaching, academic research, university service, and case writing. Previously he served as Associate Dean of Graduate and Executive programs and was Chair of the Marketing Department.
Prior to starting his academic career, Randy was a computer systems consultant with Andersen Consulting (now Accenture) and marketing director for Kidpower, the toy company that developed the original Funnoodle, along with several other toys. He has produced more than 14 television commercials that have appeared on national TV and appeared on QVC three times.
Randy's research and teaching address marketing strategy and he focuses on topics such as gratitude, brand authenticity, and public policy. He has written numerous articles and is published in Harvard Business Review, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Brand Management, and many other journals. He has been quoted in publications such as BusinessWeek,Fortune.com, CNNMoney.com, and NBCNews.com.
In 1999 Randy completed a 24-mile solo swim across Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana. In the summer of 2000 he swam in the 12.5-mile "Race Around Key West" and then spent seven weeks in India helping to develop daycare centers for children in the slums of Mumbai. In 2006 he founded and directed the "Louisiana Thanks You!" campaign to help the people of Louisiana express their gratitude for the generous response to hurricane Katrina. In summer 2015, he taught marketing and strategic planning in a leadership development program in Myanmar.
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Grants and Fellowships
3.5 million SEK (Approx $490,000) from Swedish Energy Agency, to develop a model for understanding the implementation of Green eServices, with Steve Thompson (UR) and Peter Ekman (Mälardalen University), 2013-2015
Ekman, Peter, Thompson, Steve, Raggio, Randle, "STINT Grant, to study New Service Development for Green Apps across Sweden and U.S.," Sponsored by the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education, 146,900 SEK, Approx. $24,000. (2013)Funded
Raggio, Randle, "LSU Council on Research Summer Stipend," Sponsored by LSU Council on Research, Other, $5,000.00. (2007).Funded
Raggio, Randle, Folse, Judith Garretson, "Drivers of Perceptions of Louisiana, its People, Products and Services," Sponsored by Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation, and Tourism, $10,000.00. (2006). -
Robins School of Business Terry Weisenberger Service Award (2015)
Finalist (Top 3) for Flores MBA Program Class of 2011 Professor of The Year, LSU Flores MBA Program Student Association (2010)
Best Paper - Corporate Affairs, Social Responsibility and Sustainability Track, American Marketing Association, Best Paper in Corporate Affairs, Social Responsibility and Sustainability Track (2010)
Finalist (Top 3) for Flores MBA Program Class of 2010 Professor of The Year, LSU Flores MBA Program Student Association (2009)
Finalist (Top 3) for Flores MBA Program Class of 2009 Professor of The Year, LSU Flores MBA Program Student Association (2009)
Tiger Athletic Foundation Undergraduate Teaching Award, TAF undergraduate teaching award (2009)
Dr. George W. Fair Memorial Professorship for Developing Scholars, Louisiana State University, Awarded professorship in recognition of intellectual contributions and to assist future productivity with the associated research stipend (2009)
E. J. Ourso College of Business Summer Award for Intellectual Contribution, Louisiana State University, Summer grant recognizing intellectual contribution
President's Volunteer Service Award (Presented by President George W. Bush), White House, Presented by President George W. Bush in Baton Rouge on April 22, 2008, for work with Desire Street Academy
"Business Actor Engagement: Exploring its Antecedents and Outcomes (an extended abstract)," Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Coral Gables, FL, May 20-22, 2020, with Peter Ekman, Jimmie Röndell, and Steve Thompson (author only)
"Disentangling the meanings of brand authenticity," Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, May 29-31, 2019, with Julie Guidry Moulard and Judith Anne Garretson Folse (author only)
"Institutional work for market shaping: A contextualization of technology-based self-service capabilities," IMM Summit, Copenhagen, Denmark, January 23-25, 2019, with Peter Ekman, Christian Kowalkowowski, Jimmie Röndell, and Steve Thompson (author only)
"Technology-based service innovations in B2B settings," Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Coronado, CA, May 24-26, 2017, with Peter Ekman, Jimmie Röndell, and Steve Thompson (author only)
"Marketing Energy Productivity: Implications from the Commercial Real Estate Sector in Sweden," AMA Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, Atlanta, GA, August 5-7, 2016, with Peter Ekman and Steve Thompson
"Understanding the various & simultaneous roles of the generic actor in service co-creation networks," AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, Las Vegas, NV, February 26-28, 2016, with Peter Ekman and Steve Thompson
"Self-service technology for sustainability in the commercial market: lessons learned and future challenges," 24th IBM Frontiers in Service Conference, San Jose, CA, July 9-12, 2015, with Peter Ekman and Steve Thompson (author only)
"Assessing the firm's self-service technology (SST) readiness: an empirically grounded explanatory model," Naples Forum on Service, Naples, Italy, June 9-12, 2015, with Peter Ekman and Steve Thompson (author only)
"What is Brand Authenticity? Introducing the Entity-Referent Correspondence Framework of Authenticity and Its Application to Brands," AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, Orlando, FL, February 21-23, 2014, with Julie Guidry Moulard and Judith Anne Garretson Folse
"What is True-to-Self Brand Authenticity? Understanding the Antecedents and Consequences of a Brand's Passion," AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, Orlando, FL, February 21-23, 2014, with Julie Guidry Moulard and Judith Anne Garretson Folse
"From Engineering to Relationship Perspectives: The Identification and Implications of Differential and Evolving Brand Effects," The Next Generation: Brands and Branding in Law, Accounting and Marketing Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, April 12-13, 2012, with Robert P. Leone and William C. Black ?
"Crisis Management Advertising Effectiveness: The Impact of Psychological Ownership and Message Abstractness," Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Coral Gables, FL, May 24-27, 2011, with Phillip Hartley and Jie Sun (author only)
"Brand Creation vs. Brand Acquisition as a Brand Portfolio Expansion Strategy," AMA Winter Educator's Conference, Austin, TX, February 18-21, 2011, with Yana Kuzmina and William C. Black
"Recognizing Those Who Participated and Encouraging Those Who Didn't: A Social Marketing Perspective on Expressions of Gratitude from post-Katrina Louisiana," AMA Winter Educator's Conference, New Orleans, LA, February 19-22, 2010, with Judith Anne Garretson Folse
"Gratitude Works: The Impact of 'Thank You' From Post-Katrina Louisiana," AMA Summer Educator's Conference, San Diego, CA, August 8-11, 2008, with Judith Anne Garretson Folse
Academy of Marketing Science
American Marketing Association
Professional Experience
Previous positions include:
Previous positions include:
DeBoer Foundation, Naung Shwe, Myanmar (Burma) Faculty, taught Marketing and Strategic Planning to Fellows in DeBoer Foundation's leadership development program, May 2015
Visiting Scholar, Mälardalens University, Västerås, Sweden (2013)
Assistant Professor, Louisiana State University (2006 - 2010)
Director of Graduate Programs, Belmont University (2000 - 2002)
Instructor of Business, Belmont University (1999 - 2002)
Director of Marketing, Kidpower, Inc. (1997 - 1999)
Marketing Manager, Kidpower, Inc. (1996 - 1997)
Blue Ribbon Communications Panel Member, Toy Manufacturers of America (1998 - 1999)
President, Raggio and Associates, Inc. (1994 - 1995)
Senior Consultant, Andersen Consulting (1993 - 1994)
Staff Consultant, Andersen Consulting (1991 - 1993)
Institutional Service
University of Richmond Committees and Service:
- UR Threat Assessment Team, 2016 – present
- UR Working Group for Creativity, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship, 2017 - 2018
- UR Faculty Athletic Committee (Chair), 2013 – 2015
- UR Athletics Council, ex-officio 2013 – 2015
- Acting Faculty Representative to the Student Development Committee of the Board of Trustees, Spring 2015
Robins School of Business Committees and Service:
- Graduate Council (Chair), 2016 – 2020
- Analytics in the Undergraduate Business Curriculum Working Group, 2017 - 2018
- Executive Education Advisory Committee, 2011 – 2017 (chair 2016 – 2017)
- Curriculum Committee, 2012 – 2016; (Chair, 2014 – 2016)
- Dean’s Curriculum Review Task Force, 2016
- Assessment Committee, 2010 – 2014; ex-officio 2015 – 2016
- Robins School of Business Branding Team, 2013 – 2015
- Dean’s Graduate Education Task Force, 2015
- Dean’s Teaching Evaluation Task Force, 2013 – 2014
- Ad hoc Committee Evaluating Queally Lecture Series Implementation, 2011
Marketing Department Committees and Service:
- Department Chair, 2015
- Marketing Curriculum Review Committee (Chair), 2011 – 2015
- Principles of Marketing Course Coordinator, 2011 – 2015
- Accompanied Marketing students to New York for Spider Road Trip, 2015
- Marketing Capstone Development Committee, 2010 – 2014
Grants and Fellowships
Selected Publications
Raggio, Randle D., Anna Green Walz, Mousumi Bose Godbole, and Judith Anne Garretson Folse (in press), "Gratitude in Relationship Marketing" in Handbook of Research in Relationship Marketing, Robert M. Morgan, Janet Turner Parish, and George Deitz (eds.), Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, Ltd.
Randle Raggio, Brand Value (in Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing), John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Randle Raggio, Perceptions of Brand Equity (in Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing), John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Randle Raggio, Robert P. Leone, Producing a Measure of Brand Equity by Decomposing Brand Beliefs into Brand and Attribute Sources, (in Brand Equity Measurement: Concepts and Applications), ICFAI Press, 2007
Journal ArticlesEkman, Peter, Jimmie Röndell, Elena Anastasidou, Christian Kowalkowski, Randle D. Raggio, and Steven M. Thompson, "Business Actor Engagement: Exploring its Antecedents and Types," Industrial Marketing Management, forthcoming
Ekman, Peter, Christian Kowalkowski, Jimmie Röndell, Randle D. Raggio, and Steven M. Thompson (2021), "Emergent Market Innovation: A Longitudinal Study of Technology-Driven Capability Development and Institutional Work," Journal of Business Research, Vol. 124 (March)
Moulard, Julie Guidry, Randle D. Raggio, and Judith Anne Garretson Folse (2021), "Disentangling the Meanings of Brand Authenticity: The Entity-Referent Correspondence Framework of Authenticity," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 49 (1)
Raggio, Randle D., Peter Ekman, and Steven M. Thompson (2020), "Making Energy Metrics Relevant to Service Firms: From Energy Conservation to Energy Productivity," Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 256 (May)
Hartley, Phillip, Jie Sun and Randle D. Raggio (2017), "Psychological ownership as a crisis management advertising appeal: antecedents, outcomes, and moderators," Journal of Marketing Communications, Vol. 23 (6)
Ekman, Peter, Randle D. Raggio and Steven M. Thompson (2016), "Service Network Value Co-Creation: Defining the Roles of the Generic Actor," Industrial Marketing Management, Vol 56 (July)
Moulard, Julie Guidry, Randle D. Raggio, and Judith Anne Garretson Folse (2016), "Brand Authenticity: Testing Brand Management's Passion for its Products," Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 33 (6)
Raggio, Randle D., Robert P. Leone and William C. Black (2014), "How Consumers' Use of Brand vs. Attribute Information Evolves over Time," Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 31 (5)
Raggio, Randle D., Robert P. Leone and William C. Black (2014), "Beyond 'Halo:' The Identification and Implications of Differential Brand Effects," Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 31 (2)
Raggio, Randle D., Anna Green Walz, Mousumi Bose Godbole, and Judith Anne Garretson Folse (2014), "Gratitude in Relationship Marketing: Theoretical Development and Directions for Future Research," European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 48 (1/2)
Folse, Judith Anne Garretson, Julie Guidry Moulard and Randle D. Raggio (2012), "Psychological Ownership: A Social Marketing Message Appeal? Not for Women," International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 31 (2)
Raggio, Randle D. and Judith Anne Garretson Folse (2011), "Expressions of Gratitude in Disaster Management: An Economic, Social Marketing and Public Policy Perspective on Post-Katrina Campaigns," Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Vol. 30 (Fall)
Kuzmina, Yana, William C. Black and Randle D. Raggio (2011), "Brand Acquisition vs. Brand Creation in Portfolio Expansion Strategy," Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol. 20, Issue 4
Raggio, Randle D. and Judith Anne Garretson Folse (2009), "Gratitude Works: Its Impact and the Mediating Role of Affective Commitment in Driving Positive Outcomes," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 37 (December)
Raggio, Randle D. and Robert P. Leone (2009), "Chasing Brand Value: Fully Leveraging Brand Equity to Maximize Brand Value," Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 16 (January)
Raggio, Randle D. and Robert P. Leone (2007), "The Theoretical Separation of Brand Equity and Brand Value: Managerial Implications for Strategic Planning," Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 14 (May)
Additional PublicationsMichael Shaps Winery: Evaluating the "Custom Crush" Opportunity, Case and Teaching Note, (Product #9B13A027), London, Ontario: Ivey Publishing, 2013, with Ben Eubanks (MBA student)
Pitching J.Crew Maternity Apparel to Mickey Drexler, Case and Teaching Note, (Product #UVA-M-0854), Charlottesville, VA: Darden Business Publishing, 2013, with Paul Farris (Darden), Lindsay Murphy, Patrick DesMarteau, and Alex Mazakov (MBA students)
The Robins Center: Is Less More? Case and Teaching Note, Sport Marketing Quarterly, 21(2), 2012
Absolut Vodka: The Spirit of a Brand, Case and Teaching Note, Darden Business Publishing, 2012
Randle Raggio, Helping Employees Live the Brand, Invited Commentary, HBR.com, 2011
Randle Raggio, Why GM's Gratitude Is Worth Sharing, Invited Commentary, HBR.com, 2010
Randle Raggio, Sy.Med Development, Inc., Case and Teaching Note, Ivey Publishing, 2009
Neeli M. Bendapudi, Randle Raggio, Tassu Shervani, Is Mr. Clean Service Ready?, Invited commentary, HBR.com, 2009
OtherRaggio, Randle D. (2010), "When the CEO's Personal Crusade Drives Company Decisions," Harvard Business Review, Vol. 88 (June)
Raggio, Randle D. (2009), "Do You Thank the Taxpayer for Your Bailout?" Harvard Business Review, Vol. 87 (June)
Raggio, Randle D. and Robert P. Leone (2009), "Drivers of Brand Value, Estimation of Brand Value in Practice, and Use of Brand Valuation: Introduction to the Special Issue," Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 17 (September)
Raggio, Randle D. and Robert P. Leone (2009), "Postscript: Preserving (and Growing) Brand Value in a Downturn," Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 17, (September)