Nancy Bagranoff
Dr. Bagranoff began her career at General Electric Company, where she graduated from the Financial Management Training Program. She obtained her doctorate in accounting from The George Washington University and is a CPA. She has taught at several universities, including American University, Miami University, and Old Dominion University, and has served as Dean of the Robins School at the University of Richmond and Dean of the College of Business and Public Administration at Old Dominion University. She has co-authored several books and many articles in the area of accounting information systems, consulting, and information technology audit, and control.
Dr. Bagranoff has served on several boards and is currently a member of the board of SwimRVA and TowneBank Richmond and is a member of the Governor’s Advisory Council on the Revenue Estimate. She has been Chair of Chamber RVA, President of the American Accounting Association, and has been a board member of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and the AICPA.
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AICPA Distinguished Achievement in Accounting Education, AICPA, 2021.
Influential Women of Virginia, Virginia Lawyers Media, 2013.
Nominee, Governor’s Award for Community Service and Volunteerism, State of Virginia (2007)
YWCA of South Hampton Roads, Women of Distinction Award for Education (2007)
Old Dominion University, J. Worth Pickering Administrator of the Year (2007)
Co-Facilitator. AACSBS Business Accreditation Standards. June 7-10, 2021.
Keynote Speaker. “2020 Business Accreditation Standards: Exploring Assessment and Curriculum Changes.” AACSB Innovative Curriculum Conference. March 9, 2021.
Speaker. “The Art of Principles-Based Standards.” AACSB Global Accreditation Conference. September 25, 2020.
Speaker. “AACSB Accreditation Standards: Proposed Changes.” AACSB International Conference and Annual Meeting.” April 20, 2020.
Presenter. “Accounting for the Cost of Teaching and Research in US Business Schools.” Research Paper Presentation. American Accounting Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. August 2019.
Panelist. “Trends in Accounting Education.” VSCPA Leadership Summit. Richmond, VA. May 10, 2018.
Speaker. “Trends in Business Education.” River City Express Network. Richmond, VA. May 2, 2018.
Speaker. Thinking and Rethinking Undergraduate Business Education.” AACSB International Conference. Honololu, Hawaii. April 24. 2018.
Presenter. “Curriculum Design and Change Management,” Presentation at the Redesigning the Undergraduate Curriculum Conference, AACSB. Columbus Ohio. May 2017.
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
“The Funding of Higher Education: An Empirical Examination of the Cost of Education in Business Schools.” Keith A. Houghton, Nancy Bagranoff, Christine Jubb Abacus, V57 No4, December 2021, pp. 780-809.
"Accounting Advisory Councils: Engagement Between Practice and Academe.” Advances in Accounting Education, V23, 2019, pp. 133-151.
Introductory remarks. “Summaries of the Teaching Domain Statements of the 2017 Cook Prize Winners.” Issues in Accounting Education, V33, No. 2, May 2018, pp. 1-8.
“Preparing for CPA Career Takeoff: Virginia’s 150 Hour CPA Requirement,” Disclosures, Virginia Society of CPA’s, September/October 2013, pp. 20-25.
Nancy A. Bagranoff, Jean C Bedard, Don W Finn, William R Kinney, Ira Solomon, Kevin Stocks, "Response of the American Accounting Association Task Force to the AICPA's Proposed Revision of Ethics Ruling NO. 2", Current Issues in Auditing, 2010, C1-C9