Jeffrey Carlson
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Outstanding Teacher Award for the Robins School of Business, University of Richmond, 2018
Journal of Marketing Management - Best Paper Award 2016: Highly Commended. Certificate of Merit, Robins School Best Paper Award, August 2016
Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges (VFIC) Mednick Fellowship Award, April 2016
PETE Course Transformation Grant, University of Richmond, Summer 2015
Journal of Advertising - One of the top three most downloaded articles for the Journal of Advertising in 2014.
Marketing Department, 2013-2014, UConn School of Business, Hall-of-Fame Nominee.
UConn School of Business, Dean's 2013 Pre-doctoral Fellowship.
UConn Marketing Department Outstanding PhD Student Scholar Award (2013; 2012; 2011; 2010).
Marketing Department Outstanding PhD Student Teaching Award (2012/13 academic year).
Marketing Summer Fellowship, University of Connecticut (2012; 2009).
Mitofsky Award for Excellence in Public Opinion Research (2009), Roper Center, UConn.
Carlson, Jeffrey, and Anna Jansson Vredeveld (2013), "The Bucket List: How Consumers Customize Temporal Perspective to Guide and Shape Their Life-Story," 2013 Association for Consumer Research Annual North American Conference (working paper), Chicago, IL.
Kareklas, Ioannis and Jeffrey Carlson (2011), "The Role of Self-Regulatory Focus, Self-View, and Benefit Focus in Attitudes toward Organic Brands," 2011 Association for Consumer Research Annual North American Conference (working paper), Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 39, eds.
Rohini Ahluwalia, Tanya L. Chartrand and Rebecca K. Ratner, St. Louis, MO: Association for Consumer Research, 856.
Kareklas, Ioannis and Jeffrey Carlson (2011), "An Examination of the Relative Influence of Personal Health Benefits and Environmental Benefits on Consumers' Attitudes toward Organic Foods," working paper presented at the AMA Marketing & Public Policy Conference, 2011 (June), Wash. D.C.
Carlson, Jeffrey, Jacqueline Anderson, and Joseph Pancras (2010), "Online and Offline Advertising Media: Exploring the Antecedents to Advertising Trust," working paper presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, 2009 (October), Pittsburgh, PA.
Carlson, Jeffrey R., McGloin, Rory, and Christopher J. Kowal (2009, June), "An Individual's Emotional Reaction to Political Advertisements: Using Framing and Priming as a Theoretical Framework," paper presented at the ICA Annual Conference (Chicago, IL).
Lin, Carolyn A. and Jeffrey R. Carlson (2009, June), "Episodic Heavy Drinking Cognition, Affect, and Behavior: A Formative Research Approach," paper presented at the ICA Annual Conference (Chicago, IL).
Lin, Carolyn A. and Jeffrey R. Carlson (2009, June), "Theorizing College Students' High-Risk Drinking Behavior: An Exploratory Study," paper presented at the ICA Annual Conference (Chicago, IL).
Carlson, Jeffrey R., and Christopher J. Kowal (2008, November), "A Theoretical Application of Priming and Framing: Exploring Political Advertising's Impact on a Candidate's Source Credibility," paper presented at the NCA Convention (San Diego, CA).
Lin, Carolyn A., T. Szigethy, and Jeffrey R. Carlson (2008, August), "Tailored Health Communication and Peer-Driven Health Marketing: Reducing High-Risk Drinking Behavior on a College Campus," poster presented at the Second Annual National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media; sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Atlanta, GA).
Carlson, Jeffrey R., Carolyn A. Lin, and Q. L. Luo (2008, May), "Making a Difference in Campus Energy Conservation: Overcoming Barriers and Motivating College Students to Conserve Energy," paper presented at the ECA Annual Conference (Pittsburgh, PA).
Long, Kathleen W., Peter W. Galarneau, Jeffrey R. Carlson, and Erin C. Bryan (2007, May), "The Untamed Blog: Public Relations Asset or Liability?," paper presented at the ECA Annual Conference (Providence, RI).
Carlson, Jeffrey R. (2005, November), "The Pharmaceutical Rep and the Machine in Disguise: A Case Study Approach to Understanding Organization through Metaphors," paper presented on the following panel: "Are We Having Fun Yet?: Activities and Assignments to Bring the Organizational Communication Class to Life!" (Boston, MA).
Professional Experience
Instructor, Communication Department, West Virginia Wesleyan College (Buckhannon, WV) (2004-2007)
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative, TAP (Charleston, WV) (2002-2004 )
Analyst, Accenture (Chicago, IL) (2001-2002)
Journal Articles
1. Mier, Joel, Jeffrey R. Carlson, Danny Bellenger, and Welsey Johnston (forthcoming in 2020), "Business Buyers Are People Too: Exploring How Geodemographics Affects B2B Selling Effectiveness," accepted for publication on October 1 2019, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing.
2. Shuai Yang, Jeffrey R. Carlson, and Sixing Cheng (2020), "How Augmented Reality Affects Advertising Effectiveness: The Mediating Effects of Curiosity and Attention Toward the Ad," Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2019.102020.
3. Carlson, Jeffrey R., William T. Ross Jr., Robin Coulter, and Adam Marquardt (2019), “About Time in Marketing: An Assessment of the Study of Time and Conceptual Framework,” AMS Review, 9 (December), 136-154.
4. Carlson, Jeffrey R. and Monika Kukar-Kinney (2018), "Investigating Discounting of Discounts in an Online Context: The Mediating Effect of Discount Credibility and Moderating Effect of Online Daily Deal Promotions," Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 41 (March), 153-160.
5. Lin, Shan, Shuai Yang, Jeffrey R. Carlson, and William T. Ross, Jr. (2016), "Brand Social Engagement: Will Firms' Social Media Efforts Influence Paid Search Advertising?" Journal of Marketing Management, 32 (5-6), 526-557.
6. Monika Kukar-Kinney and Jeffrey R. Carlson (2015), "A Fresh Look at Consumers' Discounting of Discounts in Online and Bricks-and-Mortar Shopping Contexts," International Journal of Research in Marketing, 32 (4), 442-444.
7. Kareklas, Ioannis, Jeffrey R. Carlson, and Darrel D. Muehling (2014), "`I Eat Organic for My Benefit and Yours:' Egoistic and Altruistic Motivations to Purchase Organic Food and their Implications for Advertising Strategists," Journal of Advertising, 43 (1), 18-32.1
8. Kareklas, Ioannis, Jeffrey R. Carlson, and Darrel D. Muehling (2012), "The Role of Regulatory Focus and Self-View in 'Green' Advertising Message Framing," Journal of Advertising, 41 (4), 25-39.2
Book Chapters1. Carlson, Jeffrey R. and Bill Bergman (2017), "Cracking the Code of Organic Food Labels - Consumer Confusion about Label Claims and Practitioner Guidelines," in Deciphering Organic Foods: A Comprehensive Guide to Organic Food Consumption, ed. Ioannis Kareklas and Darrel Muehling, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
2. Kareklas, Ioannis, Jeffrey R. Carlson, and Darrel D. Muehling (2015), "The Role of Regulatory Focus and Self-View in 'Green' Advertising Message Framing," in Green Advertising and the Reluctant Consumer (ISBN-10: 1138016543; ISBN-13: 978-1138016545), ed. Kim Sheehan and Lucy Atkinson, New York, NY: Routledge, 19-33.
3. Long, K. W., Galarneau, P. W., Carlson, J. R., & Bryan, E. C. (2007). The Untamed Blog: Public Relations Asset or Liability? In S. C. Duhe (Ed.), New Media and Public Relations. New York: Peter Lang
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