Deniz Besik
Dr. Besik is an Assistant Professor of Management in Robins School of Business at the University of Richmond. Dr. Besik received a bachelor's degree in Manufacturing Systems Engineering and a master's degree in Industrial Engineering from Sabanci University in Turkey. She received her Ph.D. in Management Science from the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Dr. Besik's multidisciplinary research focuses on supply chains in the food industry. She studies perishable food supply chains, with a focus on food quality as well as the trade and policy instruments to help identify the impacts of on-going trade wars. She has six papers published in such journals as the European Journal of Operational Research and Journal of Global Optimization. Her research agenda has been recognized with the 2019 Isenberg Outstanding Doctoral Student Researcher Award. She was selected as one of the recipients of the Honorable Mention Award for the 2019 Bayer Women in Operations Research Scholarship offered by the INFORMS Analytics Society.Expand All
Global Supply Chain Networks and Tariff Rate Quotas (A. Nagurney and L. Nagurney), presented at: POMS Annual Conference, Washington D.C., May 2-6, 2019.
Dynamics of Quality as a Strategic Variable in Complex Food Supply Chain Network Competition: The Case of Fresh Produce (with A. Nagurney and M. Yu), presented at: INFORMS Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, Nov 4-7, 2018, and at NEDSI Conference, Providence, RI, April 12-14, 2018.
Supply Chain Network Capacity Competition with Outsourcing: A Variational Equilibrium Framework (with A. Nagurney and M. Yu), presented at: INFORMS Annual Conference, Houston, TX, Oct 22-25, 2017, at POMS Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, May 5-8, 2017, and at NEDSI Conference, Springfield, MA, March 22-25, 2017.
Quality in Competitive Fresh Produce Supply Chains with Application to Farmers' Markets (with A. Nagurney), presented at: INFORMS Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, Nov 4-7, 2018, and at INFORMS Computing Society Conference, Austin, TX, January 15-17, 2017.
Professional Experience
GlaxoSmithKline Global Healthcare Company
Journal Articles
Strict Quotas or Tariffs? Implications for Product Quality and Consumer Welfare in Differentiated Supply Chains (with A. Nagurney and D. Li) (2019), Transportation Research E, 29: pp 136-161.
Global Supply Chain Networks and Tariff Rate Quotas: Equilibrium Analysis with Application to Agricultural Products (with A. Nagurney and L. Nagurney) (2019), Journal of Global Optimization, 75: pp 439-460.
Tariffs and Quotas in World Trade: A Unified Variational Inequality Framework (with A. Nagurney and J. Dong) (2019), European Journal of Operational Research, 275(1): pp 347-360.
Dynamics of Quality as a Strategic Variable in Complex Food Supply Chain Network Competition: The Case of Fresh Produce (with A. Nagurney and M. Yu) (2018), Chaos, 28: 043124.
Supply Chain Network Capacity Competition with Outsourcing: A Variational Equilibrium Framework (with A. Nagurney and M. Yu) (2017), Journal of Global Optimization, 69(1): pp 231-254.
Quality in Competitive Fresh Produce Supply Chains with Application to Farmers' Markets (with A. Nagurney) (2017), Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 60: pp 62-76.