Trey Sutton
Trey Sutton is an Associate Professor of Management at the Robins School of Business at the University of Richmond. He is interested in how firms affect the natural environment and stakeholder well-being. His published research examines how firms interact with and are affected by influential stakeholders, especially non-market stakeholders such as governments and social movement organizations. His work has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Perspectives, and Long Range Planning, among other outlets. Trey serves on the editorial review board for the Africa Journal of Management. He has taught Strategic Management, Environmental Management, and Business, Politics & the Environment at the University of Richmond.
Prior to his academic career, Trey worked as a management consultant, leading projects related to post-merger integration, performance management, and process change.
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Sustainability Leadership Award, University of Richmond, 2020.
Eco-Corridors Fellow, University of Richmond, 2020
Outstanding Teacher Award, Robins School of Business, University of Richmond, 2019.
Sustainability Champion, University of Richmond, June 2019.
Outstanding Reviewer, Africa Journal of Management, 2017, 2018, 2019.
Junior Faculty and Doctoral Consortium, 2014. Strategy, Ethics, and Entrepreneurship (SEE) Conference.
Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting Best PhD Paper, 2013.
Organizations and the Natural Environment (ONE) Doctoral Consortium, 2013, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, FL.
Early Stage Doctoral Student Consortium, 2012, Annual Meeting of the Southern Management Association, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
Dean’s Fellowship, 2011-2012
Bosse, D. A. & Sutton, T. 2019. The stakeholder perspective in strategic management. Presented at the Strategic Management Society Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN.
Sutton, T., Lamont, B. T., & Holmes, R. M. 2017. Dependency threats and opportunities: The selective use of corporate political contributions. Presented at the Southern Management Association. St. Pete Beach, FL.
Ellen, B, P., Sutton, T., & Mattson, T. 2017. Revisiting the strategic core theory of teams: Theory and evidence for boundary conditions. Presented at the Southern Management Association. St. Pete Beach, FL.
Holmes, R. M., Holcomb, T. R., Sutton, T., & DeGhetto, K.R. 2016. How do entrepreneurs process information about expected returns? The impact of outcome magnitude, time, and intuitive decision making on opportunity exploitation. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA.
Sutton, T., Short, J. C., McKenny, A. F., & Namatovu, R. 2016. Institutional factors affecting expansion within the East African Community: An analysis of managers’ personal stories. Accepted for presentation at the African Academy of Management Conference. Nairobi, Kenya.
Sutton, T. & Lamont, B. T. 2014. Dependence threat activation and corporate political activity. Presented at the Strategic Management Society Annual Conference. Madrid, SP.
Ellen, B. P. & Sutton, T. 2014. Revisiting strategic core theory of teams: Implications of greater interdependence. Presented at the Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology. Honolulu, HI.
Sutton, T. 2013. Firm response to environmental activism: The contingent nature of secondary stakeholder salience. Presented at the Strategic Management Society Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA.
* Winner of Best PhD Paper AwardHolmes, R. M., & Sutton, T. 2013. The effects of loss aversion, risk-taking propensity, and outcome timing on entrepreneurs’ opportunity exploitation decisions. Presented at the Strategic Management Society Conference. Atlanta, GA.
* Nominated for Best Conference Paper Award.Holmes, R. M., Li, H., Hitt, M. A., DeGhetto, K. R., & Sutton, T. 2013. The effects of China’s location advantages and location disadvantages on MNCs’ establishment of China R&D centers. Presented at the Southern Management Association Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Sutton, T., & Holcomb, T. R. 2013. Asymmetrical institutional conflict and discourse-based institutional entrepreneurship. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Lake Buena Vista, FL.
Sutton, T., & Holcomb, T.R. 2013. Legitimate to whom? Legitimacy judgment asymmetries as institutional entrepreneurship opportunities. Presented at the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Écully, France.
DeGhetto, K.R., & Sutton, T. 2012. Government spending in a changing economy: Effects on entrepreneurial allocation. Presented at the Strategic Management Society Conference. Prague, CZ.
Bosse, D. A., & Sutton, T. 2019. The stakeholder perspective in strategic management. The Cambridge Handbook of Stakeholder Theory. (Eds. J. S. Harrison, J. B. Barney, R. E. Freeman, R. A. Phillips). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
DeGhetto, K. R., Sutton, T., Holcomb, T. R., & Holmes, R.M. 2015. It’s who you know and what you do: How SMEs from emerging economies capitalize on founder ties to create bargaining power with foreign multinational alliance partners. In T. K. Das (Ed.),
Research in Strategic Alliances (pp. 121–155). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Journal ArticlesSutton, T., Devine, R. A., Lamont, B. T., & Holmes, R. M. 2020. Resource dependence, uncertainty, and the allocation of corporate political activity across multiple jurisdictions. Academy of Management Journal. Forthcoming.
DeGhetto, K., Sutton, T., & Zorn, M. (authors contributed equally) 2018. Institutional drivers of born-public ventures. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy.7(1): 13-33.
Holmes, R. M., Zahra, S. A., Hoskisson, R. E., DeGhetto, K., & Sutton, T. 2016. Two-way streets: The role of institutions and technology policy in firms’ corporate entrepreneurship and political strategies. Academy of Management Perspectives, 30(3): 247-242.
Holmes, R. M., Li, H., Hitt, M. A., DeGhetto, K. R., & Sutton, T. 2016. The effects of location and MNC attributes on MNCs’ establishment of foreign R&D centers: Evidence from China. Long Range Planning, 49(5): 594-613.
Sutton, T., Short, J. C., McKenny, A. F., & Namatovu, R. 2015. Institutional factors affecting expansion within the East African Community: An analysis of managers’ personal stories. Africa Journal of Management, 1(4): 365-383.
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